Diamond Package
Residential Home - Kensington
Dear Melissa,
We would like to thank you for your excellent service and all the help and support you provided in helping us purchase 11 Nottingham Street, Kensington.
We are extremely grateful to have this property, and appreciate the efforts you went to secure the property for us. Without a doubt, we believe we would not be in our dream home without engaging you as our buyers advocate.
Seeing you in action, walking the walk and talking the talk at our auction, truly showed you are born to be the excellent buyers advocate you are. You went beyond the call of duty to ensure you covered every aspect in the lead up to the auction. Things such as privately viewing the property at night, which none of our competition did, you certainly exceeded our expectations in so many ways.
You have made us so happy in securing the place we had our heart so set on. We cannot thank you enough for turning it all into reality.
Yours Sincerely,
Stephen Zamykal & Sarah Seeberger