Update on Eviction Moratorium
Published on 20/08/2020
The Victorian Government is extending the eviction moratorium laws to provide greater certainty for tenants and landlords.
Extension of these laws will ensure that Victorian renters facing hardship due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will not be evicted from their homes (with limited exceptions) or have their rent increased until 31 December 2020.
In addition to the eviction moratorium extension, further support being introduced for residential and commercial tenants and landlords includes:
• changes to the land tax relief scheme and an increase of land tax discount from the current 25 per cent to 50 per cent for residential landlords who provide a 50 per cent rent reduction to eligible tenants
• extension of the Rent Relief Grant program to 31 December 2020, increasing the maximum grant amount to $3,000 for new applications, and allowing previous recipients to receive up to an additional $1,000
• extension of the Residential Tenancies Dispute Resolution Scheme until 31 December 2020.
Residential tenants and landlords who are finding it difficult to strike a deal over rent reductions have access to the free dispute resolution service run by Consumer Affairs Victoria for residential tenancies.
For more information, visit renting rules and support during the moratorium on the Consumer Affairs Victoria website or contact our office as we are here to help!
Stay safe, stay well.
Kindest Regards
Melissa Opie