All repairs and maintenance requests should be reported to your Property Manager immediately. Repairs are generally the landlord’s responsibility, however, if the tenant is responsible for the damage the tenant will be required to pay for repairs

Maintenance can be reported to your Property Manager in several ways; by mail, fax or via email during normal business hours. Please note; all maintenance requests are required to be in writing. If urgent repairs are needed the tenant should first take reasonable steps to contact the agent to fix the problem. Any repairs arranged by the tenant outside of normal business hours will be at the tenant’s expense, unless it is proven to be an extreme emergency. Should you have an urgent repair after hours kindly contact our tradesman on the telephone numbers listed here then contact your Property Manager on the following business day to advise of the situation. You will be required to obtain any receipts and forward to our office for reimbursement.

Please provide the following information

Rental Property

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